Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Hold the Line this Week

hold the line this week.jpgFor everyone celebrating Christmas or attending holiday parties this week I have an important tip for you today.

That tip is to "control what you can control."

What I mean by that is that unless you absolutely have no other option then I highly recommend you can keep your exercise and nutrition going strong this week.

If you can still stick with your exercise schedule it will help to offset any extra calories you eat or drink. Of course that may mean finding time to workout first thing in the morning or at the lunch hour, but those may just have be a few small sacrifices you will need to make over the course of the next week.

Plus, by sticking to your routine you will keep your mind in the weight loss game and that's important when you have all sorts of sugary temptations all around you.

Lastly, if you keep things on track 90% of the time this week that will allow you to truly enjoy yourself when you do indulge with your family and friends this holiday season!

Stephen Cabral, CSCS, CPT, NS is the owner of Stephen Cabral Studio weight loss & personal training in Boston, MA, and also offers online weight loss coaching

Source: http://www.self.com/fooddiet/blogs/nutritiondata-dieting-weight-loss/2010/12/hold-the-line-this-week.html

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