Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

The 8-Hour diet: Can only eating between 9am and 5pm help you lose 10lbs?

Diet & Fitness - Yahoo! Lifestyle UKThe latest weight loss regime to hit the American market argues that dieters can lose up to 10lbs in just one week, but only if they eat between 9am and 5pm. The 8-Hour Diet authors David Zinczenko (Editor in Chief of Men's Health US) and Peter Moore, say that you can eat whatever you want throughout the eight hour period and still shed excess weight. The pair argue that staying up late and the rise of 24-hour fast food restaurants are responsible for America's high rates of diabetes and obesity. ...

Source: http://uk.lifestyle.yahoo.com/8-hour-diet-eating-9am-5pm-help-lose-101500781.html

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