Selasa, 24 April 2012

Switching Gears on Holiday Weight Gain

switching gears after the holidays.jpgIf you weren't one of the few who escaped the holiday weight gain I have some tips for you today.

The first one is to absolutely get rid of or give away any indulgent leftovers from the holiday dinners that you may have sitting on your counters or in your refrigerator.

Another tip is to not let the sluggishness of the season keep you from getting back into your workouts this week. Even if you're taking a little time off from work I still recommend you stick with your exercise schedule. And, if you were waiting for January 1st to get started, why wait - begin exercising this week!

Lastly, and potentially the most important tip I have for you today, is to not continue to let the last two weeks of the year blend together. What I mean by that is while it may be nice to enjoy some of your favorite foods with friends and family during the holidays I can't stress to you enough that you must reserve those cheats for special occasions.

If you continue to exercise less and eat more you will just have more work to do when the New Year comes.

It's important to be able to switch gears after holidays, special events, or family get-togethers and realize that those need to be isolated events in the course of your healthy lifestyle.

Here's to getting started early on a fresh New Year!

Stephen Cabral, CSCS, CPT, NS is the owner of Stephen Cabral Studio weight loss & personal training in Boston, MA, and also offers online weight loss coaching


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