Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Portion control

Successful dieting isn't all about just eating healthy foods, it's also crucial to eat the right quantity of healthy food. Here's our guide to portion size, an essential element to your diet.


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1 komentar:

  1. I've always followed the idea that if I combine cardio with eating certain foods at the right time, the two dovetail into each other. Once I added proper sleep to it, however, it really made a difference. Here's what I do:

    Carbs: I eat these within an hour after my workout, while my body is still converting carbs to muscle glycogen rather than fat, leading to muscle gain, fat loss, and a heightened metabolism.

    Proteins: I eat these periodically over the 12-16 hours following my workout, combined with healthy vegetables. This way my body is better able to repair muscle, which is the MOST important part of the workout. Additionally, periodic, smaller feedings further boost your body's metabolism, boosting fat loss even further.

    Sleep: Here is where I COMPLETELY agree with you. This may sound silly, but sleep deprivation debilitates metabolism and triggers a fat storage response in your body. I try to get around 7 hours of sleep a night, if possible.

    I actually picked most of this up at The Body Mason, but it really worked for me. Check it out for yourself:
